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Stormwater Management Workshop at IIT-Roorkee, India

I did the Global Initiative of Academic Network (GIAN) training course on 'Urban Stormwater Management: Science, Policy and Engineering Training for Smart Cities' at the Department of Hydrology, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Roorkee, India, jointly organised by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India and IIT-Roorkee from February 27 to March 06, 2017.

The main objectives of this course were to introduce the science and engineering of urban stormwater management and policy formulation, to provide hands-on experience to collect high frequency hydrologic datasets from the field for stormwater assessment, to develop understanding of various processes of watershed calibration and validation during the model building process and to use of  different hydrological models such as Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS etc for watershed management.

I personally learnt lots of new skills and develop my understanding of hydrological processes using resources available both from the lectures and from the fieldwork. During this time, I became interested in HEC-RAS modelling and later I used this as one of my key modelling software in the MSc dissertation for assessing GLOF risk at the University of Leeds. I also had the opportunity to visit Aglar Watershed in the Lesser Himalaya for fieldwork to collect field data to run the models through basic hydrological measurement techniques (e.g. velocity-discharge measurement, salt-dilution technique etc). I was benefited from this course and developed further interests to study such processes in details.


From top left to the bottom right: Introduction and group photo; Dr Debabrata Sahoo delivering lecture; fieldwork in Aglar watershed; Closing ceremony; Valedictory remarks; Delivering students feedback; Receiving certificate from Dr Sahoo. 

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